Mid life crisis or just bad fashion?

There are some fashions that do not stand the test of time, Ladies…. Like culottes or  onesies. This morning as I headed into work, I saw a most disturbing thing.  Typically the streets of Cincinnati are amusing,   you have your boozy construction  workers sitting on the steps, you have the variety of panhandlers with signs looking for enough for the next whatever.  street-walker finishing up for the night.   Today as I exited the bus, I observed an older woman wearing a sweat shirt and  long shorts. Her hair was gray and fizzy. Everything about her said” I’m so freaking tired and I  don’t care.”  Despite her lack of decency. Because the amount of white wrinkly skin was startling. It was her fashion choice to pull all of her gray fizzy hair into a side ponytail i found most disturbing. She had pulled it all to one side up to her ear,  then used a scrunchie ( yes a scrunchie!!!) to hold her locks in place.  The effect was that her hair stuck out  at a 90 degree angle from her head, making a big L shape. Not good.


Please for the love of all that is good in the world, ladies  know when to put the scrunchie down!!…….and maybe face glitter too unless your the tooth fairy.

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